[English] - [Deutsch]

Holger Schoneville

Prof. Dr. phil., Diplom

I am a social work academic with a background in educational and social sciences. My research and teaching interests include central questions of social work regarding poverty and social exclusion, subjectivity and vulnerability as well as the transformation of welfare (state) arrangements. The design of my research is rooted within a qualitative-reconstructive methodology.

Since Mai 2024 I am Professor for Theory and Methods of Social Work at the Institute of Social Work and Social Policy of the Faculty of Education at Duisburg-Essen University, Germany. Over the last years I worked in research and teaching at different universities and research institutes in Germany, Europe and the USA, including Hamburg University, Dortmund University, Duisburg-Essen University, Wuppertal University, Kassel University, Zurich University and Columbia University in New York.

Research and Teaching Interests

  • Poverty and social exclusion
  • Subjectivity and vulnerability
  • Transformation of welfare (state) arrangements
  • Social work theory
  • Qualitative research in the context of social work

Further Information

Further Information can be found on my website at the Duisburg-Essen University: LINK
